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Animal Sleep: How Long Do Animals Sleep? Know those animals

by HindenTimes News Desk
Animal Sleep

Once you sleep, you may not wake up before 9–10 hours. So you have a good reputation among your friends as a sleeper. But there are many animals whose sleeping time may surprise you. The bear-like koala sleeps 15 to 20 hours a day. It means only 4 to 9 hours awake. Pythons sleep 18 hours a day. But there are exceptions; horses sleep only two hours more than mammals. Not only the time of sleep but also the type of sleep vary greatly among animals. A variety of animals can sleep lying down, sitting, or leaning against a tree. Let’s know about the sleeping patterns of animals.


Animal Sleep
Dolphin | Image: The guardian

Dolphins spend almost their entire lives in the water. However, as mammals, they need to breathe to get oxygen to survive. Half of the dolphin’s brain rests while it sleeps, while the other half is active to protect itself from potential danger. Dolphins usually float in the water like a piece of wood with one eye open while sleeping. Although very hardworking, dolphins can go without sleep for five consecutive days.

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Whales, like dolphins, deactivate half of their brains during sleep and sleep with one eye open. Sperm whales sleep upright with their heads up. However, humpback whales sleep in water. Different species of whales only sleep for 30 minutes. Because the whale’s body temperature decreases if it sleeps more,  Therefore, different species of whales do not sleep during the first month after birth.



Animal Sleep
Elephant | Image: The guardian

Elephants sleep only two hours a day. Elephants spend most of their sleep standing up. Elephants rarely lie down and sleep.


 The koala is a small animal. He looks like a bear. Koalas in zoos sleep regularly for 22 hours a day. However, wild koalas sleep for about 14 hours a day and rest the rest of the time. Koalas usually eat the leaves of eucalyptus trees. Koalas sleep a lot because it takes a lot of time and energy to digest these leaves.

Atlantic walrus

Animal Sleep
Atlantic walrus | Image: Wikipedia

Many people claim that they can sleep anywhere. Among animals, only the walrus can make this claim. The walrus is a mammal originally from the arctic region. The animal has the ability to sleep anywhere, even if it lives in frozen reservoirs. Known as the sea cow, this animal can sleep floating as well as lying on the seabed or on the ice.


 Frogs are found in all kinds of environments on our planet.  Frogs follow hibernation as a sleeping strategy during the winter. Frog sleep is quite a mysterious thing. There is much research going on about whether frogs actually sleep or are lethargic. Frogs cover their eyes with eyelids called nictitating membrane.

Source: BBC Earth

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