This Friday, July 12, 2024 (India), saw the arrival of politicians, CEOs, and celebrities for the wedding of Mukesh Ambani‘s youngest son, who happens to be the richest man in Asia. The celebrations, which began with a pre-wedding in March, cost US$600 million. Among the guests are former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, FIFA President Gianni Infantino, and public figures such as Kim Kardashian.
Anant Ambani, 29, will marry the same-age Radhika Merchant. The festival begins this Friday (July 12) with a traditional Hindu ceremony at the Jio World Convention Center in Mumbai. It will be followed by a weekend reception at the family home, a 27-story mansion nicknamed “Antilla.”
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The guest list also includes former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, as well as Saudi Aramco CEO Amin H. Nasser, singers Adele, Lana Del Rey, and Drake, and former football player David Beckham, according to reports by local media. The Ambani family has not made official confirmations.
According to the EuroNews website, the attire for the event reflects India’s cultural heritage, with guests wearing saris, lehengas, kurta pajamas, and sherwanis. The menu includes traditional Indian dishes like chaat from Varanasi.
Anant Ambani’s father, Mukesh Ambani, 66, is the 9th richest man in the world, according to Forbes. He has a fortune of US$116 billion. The bride, Radhika Merchant, is the daughter of Viren and Shaila Merchant. His father is vice president of Encore Healthcare.
Pre-wedding with Justin Bieber show
At Anant Ambani’s pre-wedding celebration on July 5, Justin Bieber gave a performance. According to Billboard, the Canadian singer would have received US$10 million for the private show.
The celebrations before Anant Ambani’s wedding to Radhika Merchant were attended by guests such as Mark Zuckerberg, Priscilla Chan, Rihanna, Ivanka Trump (daughter of former US President Donald Trump), and Stephen Harper, former Prime Minister of Canada.
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Also Read: How much did Mukesh Ambani spend on his son’s pre-wedding ceremony?