Most everyone knows how ‘Zero to Hero’ Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar became. The first life was very sad. The journey of the Bollywood star, who currently owns hundreds of crores of rupees, was not a pleasant one. The actor had to go through a tough struggle. After the success, many guests forgot, but Akshay remembers those days. Candidly talks about the days of struggle. As a child, Akshay used to live in Mumbai with his family in a flat for Rs 500 on rent. The house is surrounded by memories of his childhood. Now he is planning to buy that house from his childhood.
In an interview with Ranveer Allahabadia, the actor said that he is planning to buy his father’s childhood home.
The actor said, ‘I love going to my childhood home. We used to rent there for only 500 rupees. A few days ago, there was news that the house had been demolished. The house is being demolished, and a two-bedroom flat is being built there. I informed them about their desire to buy the third floor.
Akshay also said, ‘No one of us lives there now. But still, I want to buy the flat. I still remember that dad used to work from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and me and my sister would wait for him to come back. Those memories are still vivid. There was a guava tree, and we used to eat the fruit. I still go there every month to get some guavas and flowers. Speaking from my heart, I want to keep in touch with the place. From there, I came up.
The Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff starrer Bade Mia Chote Mia, directed by Ali Abbas Zafar, is awaiting release. The trailer for the most-awaited movie of 2024 caught the eye. Actually, Akshay and Tiger are both actors skilled in martial arts. And the audience is eagerly waiting to see such two actors in such an action-packed movie.
Rajiv Hari Om Bhatia is the real name of Akshay Kumar. Akshay Kumar used to work in Kolkata at the beginning of his career.
As a child, she excelled in dancing and martial arts. He received advanced training in martial arts in Thailand. Besides, he took some courses on hotel management there. And he worked in various restaurants for a while.
After that, he quit his job and became a martial arts teacher in Mumbai. A student there suggested he come in to act. The beginning of the film world was also very difficult; at one point in his career, 16 films flopped in a row.
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