Home World News Which country has the largest redwood trees in the world?

Which country has the largest redwood trees in the world?

by HindenTimes News Desk
redwood tree, largest redwood trees

The giant redwood is the largest tree in the world. They are native to California, USA. Giant redwood trees were first brought to the United Kingdom from the United States about 160 years ago. A new study says that there are more trees in the UK than in California.

British researchers say that the number of such giant trees in the UK is five lakh. And there are 80,000 such trees in California.

However, in terms of length, the trees in the UK have not yet overtaken the trees in California. In California, these trees reach a height of 90 meters. However, the height of the tallest tree among these trees in the UK is 54.87 meters.


There is a reason for this. The trees in the UK are still very young. A giant redwood tree has a lifespan of over 2,000 years. In that respect, UK plants have more time to grow.

Giant redwoods were first brought to the UK in the Victorian era. Back then, they were considered a symbol of status. Such trees were usually planted in the residential areas of the wealthy. But now its existence can be seen in different parts of the UK.

To learn more about how giant trees have adapted to the UK, research is being done. Approximately five thousand plants were sampled by scientists from Havering Country Park in Essex, Wakehurst, and Benmore Botanic Gardens in Argyllshire, Scotland.

They measured the height and volume of some trees using a laser scanner. In this process, measurements can be taken without cutting the tree.

The researchers found that they are growing at the same rate as the trees in their native Sierra Nevada mountain range. According to researcher Phil Wilkes, the trees seemed to have acclimated to the climate in the UK. “When they grow in California, they grow in a cooler and wetter environment than you think,” he said. This is similar to our climate. This place has a very humid climate. Moreover, moisture is necessary for giant redwoods to grow.

Scientists have also tested how much carbon dioxide these trees absorb. Because it plays a very important role in combating climate change.

Researchers have found that these gigantic trees absorb a large amount of carbon dioxide. But California’s trees are sequestering a relatively large amount of carbon.

Researcher Wilkes explained the matter and said, ‘Wakehurst’s trees are about 45 meters high. About 10 to 15 tons of carbon dioxide have been stored in these trees. However, California trees have been shown to store about 250 tons of carbon dioxide. And these trees are very small. But you know they can be big.

California’s natural wonders are under threat from climate change. The hot and dry climate makes it difficult for them to survive. Apart from this, climate change is causing frequent fires.

Scientists involved in the study thought that creating giant redwood forests would significantly reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but this is not the case. However, if it is planted alongside other trees, it can play a role in combating climate change.

source: BBC

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