This is Martin Scorsese’s popular film “The Wolf of Wall Street.” Released in 2013, the movie was a huge commercial success and received critical acclaim. Australian actress Margot Robbie appeared on the screen completely naked in a scene of this movie. Recently, the actress talked about this in an interview with the American film magazine Variety.
After the release of the movie, the nude scene of a leading actress like Margot Robbie has been widely discussed. Margot said he got completely naked for the sake of the story.
Margot says even the idea of going completely naked wasn’t director Scorsese’s. Margot says, “Scorsese asked me to wrap myself in a towel. But the scene required something else”.
Margot took full responsibility on herself before shooting the scene. The script had Leonardo DiCaprio’s character kiss her at the end of the scene. But Margot decides she will slap him (DiCaprio).
“The Wolf of Wall Street” was the turning point in Margot Robbie’s career. He later appeared in movies such as “Barbie,” “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood,” “Mary Queen of Scots,” and “Suicide Squad.”